We have done two counties with additional food for families with kids under the age or 18 in the household. If they have younger kids at home, they get more food from the USDA. THIS HELPS. what I have noticed was one county had a higher percentage of people in this group. Does this mean that more young people are hurting or are hungry? Or does it mean more youger people are either living at home or letting their parents raise their kids? Tomorrow , 9-9-10 we are doing another county so I will see how that works. One thing I do know is this. EVERONE who is not in the catagory of hungry or hurting should go out and get their hands dirty by giving out food. I was a white collar worker for nearly 30 years, and today I see more people in need that any time in my past. With the numbers we have today around the country, the economy is NOT good. I was talking to an older gentleman the other day who said that just like in the 30's the administration would get the economy back on track but it would take some time. Maybe so, but how many people will starve in the mean-time? If it takes 6 or so years to do, we will have tens of thousands of people loosing their houses and going hungry. I don't know all of the answers, but if you know someone hungry, FEED THEM!
I will......
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