Living here in Northeast Arkansas, there are no big numbers to report, but since we did go out yesterday to deliver food to those needing it, I did an inquiry as to the number of new families signing up for food. We were in Clay county yesterday, and as it seems to be around the country there was about 12% average New Families signing up for food. We had three towns, one had over 20% new folks and another only 6% or so, with only around 600 food packages for the county. But that does fall in line with the 15% increase around the country.
I heard a motivational group some years back that were pretty good, but what i remembered was the name. The GOADS. That stood for Go Out And Do Something. I encourage everyone to Go Out and help with the hungry. It has been an eyeopener to me. I was a white collar worker for 30 plus years and had dreams and aspirations to do something, and while I encourage and support this lifestsyle, it was only after I did something that put me one-on-one with the truly needy that I saw what was really going on in America.
Here is hoping for the best,
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